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How do I qualify to participate in AgriConnect?

Students that are eligible to participate in AgriConnect must be attending one of the 10 participating academic institutions and be registered in the agriculture faculty or pursuing an agriculture adjacent programme (e.g agri-engineering, agribusiness, agri-economics among others). You can approach your school to indicate/express your interest. theSOFTtribe will work closely with the participating academic institutions to develop the list of eligible students consistent with the focus of AgriConnect. 

The AgriConnect team will receive the names of students that are both eligible and interested in participating in AgriConnect from the participating schools. An invitation to participate in AgriConnect will be sent to each student’s existing email address. At this point you will be able to register to participate in AgriConnect.

How do I register to participate in AgriConnect?

There are five simple steps to register for AgriConnect: 

Step 1:       The email invitation that you receive will contain a web link at the bottom labelled “Accept Invite” which you should use to complete your account registration and activation. 

Step 2:       Click or tap on the “Accept Invite” tab to set your password and create an account. 

Step 3:       Follow the instructions to set your password (Make sure to choose a strong password to keep your account secure. For example – Domi4Bella!$).

Step 4:       Next, fill in your personal details: First Name, Last Name, and Telephone Number. 

Step 5:       After creating your account, you can now sign in to access your account using the email address and password you used at the initial stage of creating your account. 

When is the deadline to register to participate in AgriConnect?

You are strongly encouraged to apply to participate in AgriConnect during December 2023 and January 2024 and to finalize your financial contributions for the laptops and connectivity by March 31, 2024. 


What are the next steps after registering to participate in AgriConnect?

Once you have registered to participate in AgriConnect you will now be able to pay for your laptop computer, connectivity device and bundle. To make a payment:

  • Log into your AgriConnect Account. 

  • Click on the option in the sidebar labelled “Equipment”. The Equipment page will open. 

  • Click on the orange Apply Button next to Equipment Request. You will then receive an email with the USSD code and the payment reference code (if you do not see this code in your inbox, check your spam).

  • Once you receive the USSD code, Dial *718*567#.

  • Enter the unique payment reference code that was sent to your email when prompted for identification.

  • Select a preferred connectivity partner from the list of options provided.

  • You will be informed of the total amount due.

  • You will then be prompted to provide the amount you wish to pay (you can pay the full amount due at one time or you can pay several times until you have paid the full amount due).

  • You will then be prompted to confirm and asked if you wish to proceed to make payment for the amount indicated. 

  • You will receive the authorisation prompt to enter your mobile money wallet PIN to authorise and complete the payment. 

If you do not make full payment at once, complete steps 4 to 9 each time you wish to make a payment. 

When you have successfully completed full payment, you will:

  • Subsequently, an email will be sent regarding details of the date of delivery of your laptop, connectivity device and data bundle. 
  • Receive access details for participation in the supplemental courses - Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship, Value Chain Development and Digital Literacy.  All students that are registered in AgriConnect and receive a laptop are required to participate in the supplemental courses.
Full Payment due by March 31, 2024

AgriConnect ...To Make Your Payment

AgriConnect Platform - Signup, Setup & Login Videos

AgriConnect Platform - Troubleshooting Videos


AgriConnect Innovation and Difference

AgriConnect promises: 

  • That the technology deployed and the capacity built through the supplemental course content related to value chain development, digital literacy and entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector will drive the impact, scale and interest of youth, women, and differently-abled persons in the agriculture sector, and importantly bridge the digital divide. 

  • To address the urgent need to reduce the extent of labour under-utilisation among youth. 

  • To place focus on education and training to enable youth in agriculture to benefit from new and emerging opportunities in agriculture. The knowledge products that are being designed and disseminated through the devices will be innovative, culturally relevant, and fully aligned with the needs of the labour market and importantly capture the interest and imagination of youth in Ghana. 

  • That the activities and outputs of the Programme will in the near future support the modernization of the agriculture sector by boosting productivity and supporting the development of agribusiness, thereby creating the linkages between farms and plots and other economic activities such as manufacturing and agro-processing. 

  • To be innovative in its approach as the Programme is designed to bring scale and impact by allowing youth, women and differently-abled persons to align their educational qualifications in agribusiness, digital skills and value chain development with dignified and meaningful jobs that will allow them to maximise the potential of their entrepreneurial spirits towards improved and sustainable livelihoods.